
Join Up Social Network

Up Social Network membership is $25 per month. Enter your First and Last Name and click Sign Up. You will be redirected to PayPal for a safe and secure payment using your PayPal account, debit or credit card. After your payment, complete the membership form and be welcomed to UP Social Network.

Find a chapter near you and join. Gain the benefits of engaging and entertaining business networking, all while being live streamed.

Each chapter meets at a different location to service the businesses in that area. Unlike most business networking groups, you aren’t required to generate a certain amount of leads, have a certain level of attendance, or make a monthly financial commitment.

We believe business networking should not be a burden to the company, but an opportunity instead. This networking group uses media and live streaming to create opportunities for businesses to grow.

Each meeting is live streamed on our Facebook page. During the meeting you’ll be interviewed and get the opportunity to share your business, explain what you offer, and provide your contact information. The video will be;

  • Broadcast Live On Facebook
  • Shared On YouTube
  • Featured On Up Social Network website
  • Shared Across All Social Channels
  • Included In Email Blast

As a member, you gain the promotional benefits and access to Step Up Radio, Step Up Magazine, and out Next Up speaking series.

Did we mention all of this is FREE! We do need your participation…like, follow, subscribe…all of that goodness.

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