Vids Inc.

Vids Inc

Office: 800-555-5555
Cell: 1.900.256.334


The Clear Lake Chapter

Nolen Davis was born and raised in Chicago, IL and started his sales career at the age of 19. As a successful entrepreneur with more than 20 years of combined experience in training, video production and leadership, Nolen Davis is known for his ability to inspire greatness and promote success. He encompasses both creativity and strategy to cultivate an environment of trust and accountability. His craft in sales accompanied with his studies of Six Sigma Methodologies gives Nolen the experience needed to consult with businesses. Nolen was the owner and talent of The Perfect Gentleman TV show and is currently CEO and Founder of Vids Inc., and UP Social Network. He believes, building a successful business begins with an idea and people that are willing to do the necessary work.

October 10, 2019 – Step UP Radio

Thinking Healthy Thursday

October 8, 2019 – Step UP Radio

Transformational Tuesdays
Nolen hosts Coffee, Commerce and Conversations at Up Social Live in Vintage Park at The Work Lodge.

October 1, 2019 – Step UP Radio

#TransformationalTuesday Nolen interviews...